Hi Friends! Merry Christmas:) I hope you had wonderful time with the special people in your life celebrating our Saviors birth. We have a tradition that we sleep over in our living room and movie night (Christmas tree lights on the whole time) the last weekend before Christmas! We picked Home Alone as the movie this year.

Hubs and I got to enjoy a Sushi lunch date!

Last minute Christmas shopping!

Baking cookies with the kids!

Christmas Eve service with the family and we invited our friends to join us too!

Christmas eve dinner, we ordered roast duck and Chinese food. I also cooked pata tim (braised pork hocks). Enjoyed all of our food:)

We also opened our stockings on our Christmas eve gathering!

Christmas morning


For our Christmas dinner we had fillet mignon, crabs and king crab legs, potatoes! Hubs made Bernaise sauce so we can build “oscar style” if you want.

We’ve been resting and taking it easy since yesterday because this Holiday season was really busy for us. I was so overwhelmed and I needed to take things easy this week. Matthew seems to have come down with a bug or something, he had a fever last night. Praying he will be better and this will be a quick recovery.
Have a good rest of your evening friends. We are enjoying some Kdrama and Harry Potter movies!HA.
Take Care and Stay Safe!