Hi Friends! Yesterday, we watched the Nutcracker Ballet show in Seattle! They do this every Holiday season. I’ve seen the show a couple of times but this is my first time with Mia. The show was great (I do find the first part a little boring) and the second/rest of the show is amazing especially the stage settings, clothes and dances! Mia enjoyed it but she said she liked Swan Lake better!HA.
After the show, Hubs picked us up and surprised us for a steak dinner at Capitol Grille Seattle. We really enjoyed our steaks and will probably go back again if Seattle traffic is not such a mess. Before dinner, we did stop at Kerry Park to enjoy the view and take pictures! It was crowded though, so we didn’t stay for a long time.

Have a great Monday! We are back to homeschooling, house chores, and getting the house ready for Christmas (slowly decluttering, donating toys). Just enjoying home and being productive yet focusing on the reason of the season. Anticipating the celebration of Jesus Birth:)
Stay safe and Take care!