Cooking at Home!

Hubs and I have been cooking this month at home. Nothing fancy, but just dishes that we liked and something that we can do together aside from watching K-dramas! HA. He finally tried making donuts from scratch and thank goodness it was YUMMY. It’s discouraging when you cook something and the recipe is a big fail.

Chicken wings. We normally get wings from Costco and lately we are not happy with the quality! So tiny!
Oxtail with peanut sauce! I added crispy pork belly
Beef *chuck in spicy tomato sauce
chicken and mushroom pasta
One of my fall favorites! Short ribs in red wine. So Decadent!
The kids fave fish! Grilled to perfection – Pompano.
Pompano fish and mackerel
Gruyere chive Popovers! We always have this Christmas morning, but that doesn’t mean you can’t eat them year round!
Crispy beef orange (we added shrimp too)
simple chili nachos (but I used potatoes)
grilled pork belly
Beef tenderloin with garlic,butter,soysauce,pepper and a little oyster sauce! Kids fave:)
We grilled fish again and invited my In laws!
no decent pics of Hubs donuts!
Hubs got me some blue crabs! He’s not a big fan of these tiny crabs! HA
Crabs and shrimps in coconut milk with beans and squash

We don’t cook every night! We do eat leftovers a lot and the usual takeout/drive through/frozen store brought meals to give us a break. Looking forward to next months cooking adventures!

Have a great night friends! Stay safe:)

Slow Friday!

Thank God It’s Friday! I had such a long day yesterday, so today I’m going to take things slow. I had my dental appointment, picking up Mia at school, did a grocery trip, plus the usual things of cooking and taking care of the kids! All good stuff:)

I got to my dentist 10 minutes early so I had time to enjoy the beautiful fall leaves around the neighborhood. I love this time of year, so pretty! Growing up in the Philippines, we don’t really have seasons, so I really do appreciate experiencing all 4 seasons here in the US!

Picking up Mia here, she loves saying bye to her friends!

Every Thursday after school, it’s a tradition for us to get her a little treat and she almost always picks a Happy meal or Starbucks cake pop! Yesterday, she picked a cake pop. I needed to get some groceries so we stopped at our local grocery store where we have a Starbucks inside the store. I still noticed some empty shelves (although not as bad to other parts of the country). I’m still stocking up and adding to our pantry.

Treated myself with grocery sushi, it’s not so bad! I’m always careful with sushi at the grocery stores but so far I’ve had it twice and I didn’t get sick!HA

I got pink roses too! I had a long day so I figured roses would make it more lovely:)

I decided to try Misfit market and my order finally arrived yesterday. I’m not sure if this is all worth it(price wise), but we are happy with the veggies and fruits so far (aside from the celery that looks so tired!HA). Kids devoured the grapes last night (so juicy).

I dehydrated cherry tomatoes and made chicken stock this week.

I grilled pork belly and roast broccoli for dinner last night. Kids and I enjoyed it, Hubs had a long night from work/meeting. He had something else!

Enjoying my coffee this morning with this view from our dining table. So pretty!

Have a great Friday Friends and Take Care! 🙂

Pumpkin Patch

We visited a Pumpkin Patch today (20 mins drive from our house – Jubilee farm), organized by Mia’s school! We had fun together with her little friends and their families. Mia picked a pumpkin that she will carve with Daddy in the coming days. She said this is the best day ever because I liked my popcorn!HA. We enjoyed donuts, apple cider and kettle corn after we picked our pumpkin. Matthew got scared during the hay ride!HA I don’t think he liked the sound of the tractor. Love fall weekends like this!

Have a great Saturday evening and take care!

Kitchen Prep!

With all the news about supply chain disruptions and price increases, I did prep a little with the meat and fish we got (my DIL got it from Costco earlier this week). It’s all ready for future meals. I plan to dehydrate tomatoes, bell peppers,onions this weekend. I love getting my pantry and freezer ready!

I have to sharpen my knives prior to cutting my pork belly and salmon! So dangerous to have dull knives when cutting meat.

I added crispy pork belly in my karekare leftovers! This was so good:)

Mia visited her grandparents last week and she got to play with the leaves in their neighborhood! Loving the fall season.

This past weekend, we got to hangout with our friends and played Dominion! I won!;) It’s always fun to see and catch up with dear friends.

Mia got to bake her rainbow birthday cake with the Hubs last Sunday! It turned out great. We ordered from our local Thai restaurant for our dinner. She loved all her gifts from our family.

the kitchen was a disaster but she had fun!
crab fried rice! YUM

Have a great Wednesday night friends! Stay safe and talk later:)

Mia turned 5!

Today is a special day for our family because it’s Mia’s 5th birthday! She had lot’s of fun at her preschool and her teachers made a big deal of her day. The school discourages cakes/cupcakes so we didn’t bring any cake. We got her classmates goodie bags and we put a puzzle and cookies in them:) After we picked her up from school we had a late lunch at one of our favorite pizza places and let her pick a birthday toy from Target. We spent a lot of time at Target and she picked up a Turtle that poops!HA! She thinks anything “poop” related is very funny:)

We had Starbucks after for a special drink that she totally enjoyed! We love you Mia James:) Thank You Jesus for our Mia Boo:)

Thanks to our family and friends who greeted her, she loved all the attention!HA

She had her bday crown when we picked her up!
Her classmates made her paper balloons!

Lunch at our fave pizza place! It was empty because lunch rush hour was over.

Happy Birthday Mia! We love you

We will have a birthday cake this weekend for her because my In laws will be celebrating with us.

Have a great day friends and stay safe!

Grocery Shopping!

We did a big grocery shopping trip this weekend and stocked up on basic needs for our family. It was a little expensive for us but we did save a bit which is great for our budget! We are good with butter for the rest of the year. Hubs does all of the baking for our family and he will have enough for his holiday baking. There are empty shelves for sure in our local grocery store and prices are increasing from my observations.

I don’t eat cereal but hubs and the kids do (at least once a week). We found a good deal on that so Hubs got a couple that will probably last them the rest of the year. We don’t pay full price when it comes to sugary cereal because there’s always a sale on this and we get enough to last until the next sale.

Not bad!
Good Deal!

I have a good stockpile on my coffee for the rest of the year but I really wanted to try the Starbucks fall coffees for a while now. They’re just too pricey for me but they had a sale too so I decided to treat myself. I had it this morning and we (hubs and I) really liked it.

More for our pantry!

I didn’t take pictures of everything we bought but we had produce and milk too. My plan is to continue to build up my pantry/stockpile for what we use and need frugally.

“In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but the foolish devours all he has.”- Proverbs 21:20

Take Care friends!

Pumpkin Patch!

Hi Friends! This weekend we visited Hubs Auntie and enjoyed a little fall get together. We love her place, it’s so cozy and fun. They did a big bonfire so we grilled hotdogs and smores for the kids! She had a pumpkin patch that we checked and got to bring 8 pumpkins with us. She had a nice variety of Dahlia flowers on her property so we got to bring some. This is the same place where we picked raspberries and blueberries a couple of months ago:) She has different vegetables planted too and I got to bring some (cabbages, tomatoes, swiss chard, peppers). Lots of fun memories made this weekend!

Hubs pulling a beet! We roasted this one and it was delicious:)
The purple cauliflower from her garden!

Have a great night and stay safe friends!