We hosted our first Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. It went as great as I had hoped. The food was delicious (my In laws took care of the turkey,and other side dishes) ,we prepared appetizers, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and Hub’s aunt took care of dessert. It was a team effort! We had too much food as usual and everybody took home left overs after. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, spending time with family and friends while enjoying yummy food. I cannot believe that Christmas is almost here (4 weeks!) I plan to put up our Christmas tree tomorrow and decorate our house. It really is my favorite time of the year, celebrating Jesus birth!
Thanksgiving table 2013Appetizer/cheese platterside dishesfood and familydessert“people of walmart” convohappy thanksgiving
My husband turned 34 years old yesterday! With all the holiday dinners this last week, we decided to have a late celebration with his family next week. He wanted to have sushi for his actual bday meal and we have a new sushi place in our neighborhood that we wanted to try, so off we went! The place was great and the sushi too. We love that the owner stopped at our table and really tried to explain to us where they get their fish and how he runs his place. We will be back for sure (it’s only 3 minutes drive from our house!). Anyways, Happiest birthday to my hubs, the most loving and patient person I know. I love You Ga! You’re my fave:)
The Birthday Boy!🙂saba (makeral), hamachi (yellowtail), hamachi belly, sake (king salmon), blue fin tunatoro, uni, ikurasweet shrimp!
We had our friends over for dinner last night. It was just nice to have them over and have fellowship before the busy Thanksgiving week (we are hosting btw,and it’s a little busy in our house already!). We prepared steaks and have the usual steak side dishes like mashed potato (we made our favorite smoked gouda mashed potatoes), mushrooms, salads,caramelized onions. I wasn’t able to take pics because I got busy and forgot! It was all delicious, especially the steaks! You can never go wrong with filet mignon. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving week with family and people you care about. I wish I had all my family with me this time of year (my mom and siblings, nephews). Even if I’m not going to share a Thanksgiving meal with them, I’m so grateful for them. Happy Thanksgiving week. Bring on the holiday cooking!:)
my simple table setting!🙂thankful for Godly friends!🙂preparing desserts!filet mignon!YUM!Vanilla cream brûlée!
Saturday was my birthday and hubby wanted to know what I wanted to do. A weekend getaway with him would be nice especially with the holidays ahead of us (we are hosting Thanksgiving this year,so it will be a little chaotic around here). I wanted to visit the Oregon coast but with the weather we have here in the Pacific NW, I don’t think we’ll like it this time of year. So we decided on San Diego because of the nice sunny fall they have there. We loved it there, I can’t believe the weather we had last weekend close to 80’s. So opposite from Seattle. Anyways, we did the tourist things like Seaworld, SD zoo, SD safari, Coronado Island, Mission Beach, Old Town. It was a great 4 days with my Hubs, exploring a new city and enjoying the warm weather and eating yummy food. My kind of Birthday Celebration. Thank you Lord for another year you gave me.
Christmas at Seaworldshamu (killer whales)Mission Beach!Mission Beach with my Hubs!Coronado IslandBirthday Dinner at Fleming’sFilet mignon,lobster mac and cheese, Rib eye!San Diego Safari ParkMama Panda!Old Town, SDafternoon latte in Little Italy!Bday gifts!so spoiled:)🙂
It’s been a busy day of shopping for me today because most of the stores are having sales this week especially in the baking sections. So I’m stockpiling the basics like sugar, flour and butter. My favorite store this week was Fred Meyer (Kroger affiliate) because of their cheese and butter sale. I also stopped at target to check their clearance for their halloween candies. They normally will have 70% off after halloween, I did score a lot of candies and I will send them to my family and friends back home in the Philippines. I don’t buy “junk food” unless they’re on sale. I believe it’s fine to have these treats in moderation. I’m not a big fan of chocolates/candies unless it’s Kit-kat (they’re my guilty pleasure). I used coupons on my Fred Meyer trip (mostly store coupons) ,didn’t use any on my Target trip.
Retail Price:$140, I paid $30 (target)Fred Meyer: Retail Price:$40, I paid:$20! I’ve been wanting to try this new starbucks coffee but I find it too pricey and I know that they will go on sale so I waited (for 3 weeks) and today was the day to get them(i had a good coupon). I also wanted to try the organic mascara.(i also had a coupon for this.)Fred Meyer – Retail price:$60, paid $26
On a more serious note: I would like to ask for prayers for my home country, the Philippines. They just experienced Super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) . It’s so heartbreaking with what happened in the last 2 days; hundreds died, lots of missing people, millions of homes damaged. We Filipinos are resilient and we’ll get back up again. Prayers for healing and God’s protection for the country. Deuteronomy 31:8.