Hi Friends! How’s you’re weekend? We attended Mia’s cousin’s birthday party. She had so much fun! She specially loved eating the birthday cake!HA.
With her cousin Mina (sister of the b-day boy), they’re so adorable together!
Party girl was so tired after!
I’ve been watching the Netflix documentary “Paleo Way” and they made some sweet potato nachos. Hubs and I both love nachos and I wanted to give it a try. Last Friday night I made Chef Pete Evans paleo nachos but hubs was a little naughty and wanted to add some non-paleo ingredients! It was delicious! Will make this again for sure:)
We went to Costco this afternoon (Sunday afternoon) and I swear everybody was at Costco! So busy,no parking,etc! Such a bad idea to go to Costco on a weekend. Anyways, I made Ribeye steak and Ina Garten’s blue cheese sauce. It’s my favorite combo ever!
I’m trying to cook more at home, save more money which is a big goal for us this year because Hubs and I have lots of plans for 2019! Have a good week friends!
Hello Friends! How was your Christmas? We had a great one celebrating the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Christmas eve, we attended our Church service, then had Chinese food. Christmas morning we had breakfast together, my Hubs prepared Pop Overs! We try to keep breakfast simple because we know we’ll be snacking all day! Lots of family time, yummy food and just the right amount of gifts:) Over the years our family is really trying to be intentional with our gift giving and trying to minimize the amounts of gifts given. Mia received many gifts from our immediate and extended family – almost too many! We are thankful for their generosity and thoughtfulness.
I’m kinda itching to take down our Christmas decorations, normally I wait after the New years! But I’ve been watching and reading about minimalism, living intentionally and simplifying. I’m debating whether or not to take it down or just wait for few more days, because I really do just love the coziness of Christmas. We’ll see…
Christmas Eve serviceGarlic honey pork chop from our Chinese dinner!The night before Christmas!Daddy and Mia making breakfast
She got Mickey and Minnie stuffed toys from Grandparents!Minnie robe from Auntie!I got a massager, and I tried it today and so far I’m so loving it!
Snacks the whole day!Crab dipFresh OystersThanks Hubs for all the work!
Auntie Candy and Uncle Tom stopped by to deliver gifts and Christmas goodies!
I made roast pork belly!Yum!
Day after Christmas! Mia had fun jumping on her gift from Auntie Chak and Uncle Chads gift!
My sis got me these new sheets! I love the blue paisley print! My family spoiled me this year, they got me everything I wanted:) HA!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! I was able to convince everybody to be matchy matchy! I love it:)
Have a great night friends! I’m hanging out with Hubs watching TV and sipping Hot chocolate:) Blessings to you and your family!
Hi Friends! I wanted to share one of our family traditions with you. Every year we go to Seattle the day after Thanksgiving, officially welcoming in the Christmas season. Since we had Mia we always go to the carousel and let her ride, she didn’t really care for it this year!HA. Maybe when she’s a little older, she will love it.
We always do the Pike Place Market, check Delaurenti’s cheese and charcuterie selection (love this place but Ugh so pricey). Franz chocolate shop is also a must. We got a couple of their famous sea salt caramels. We end up eating at Dahlia Lounge (Tom Douglas resto). I enjoyed their corned beef hash (so so good!). Mia loved the Macy’s Christmas decorations, she was really into watching the snowflakes, trains, and Christmas village scenes. I loved seeing her reactions:) One more week till Christmas friends! Blessings to you and your family this time of year:)
Hi Friends! Hope you’re having a restful Sunday evening. We did a little shopping this weekend and our shopper Boo was really serious and loving every second of it. The place has a little cart for kids and she loved putting stuff in there. She had a meltdown when it was time to go home:( We got Chipotle after, Hubs likes their tacos, I always get the steak bowl.
We attended a white elephant party with friends and it was so much fun! Hubs got a squatty potty spray and I’m still giggling about the whole thing! Love a good time with friends. Hubs baked bread pudding, really good! We volunteered at Mia’s Sunday Class at church and they had cupcakes for snacks. She totally enjoyed it:) That’s our Boo! We plan to see Santa this week at the local Zoo. Hopefully Mia will cooperate. Have a great week ahead friends!
Hi Friends! It’s beginning to look like Christmas in our house:) Christmas time is so special when you have a little one! Mia was having fun when we set up our tree and put up all the ornaments. She already broke 4 ornaments! We have to put our “nicer” ornaments in the upper part of the tree, she’s getting so tall that she can reach things easily!
Our decors are old and mostly second hand from my In laws. My Mom In law gave us our nativity set and made our stockings too. I wanted to keep things simple because it’s easy to put things away, less stuff to organize. I’m thinking of getting some things after Christmas though (Christmas sales) just to update some decorations for next year.
Just two more weeks till Christmas friends! I’m getting excited:)
Like mother,like daughter! Twinning with my Boo!
Some of my fave ornaments!
Baby’s first Christmas!2016I got this from Lenox when we visited the Philippines early this year!
Keeping it simple in our stairway. Old poinsettias from my Mom in law, and we have a collection of Teddy bears. I only put out 3 because Riley gets crazy and wants to play with them.
Stockings are made by my Mom In Law except for Riley’s, she just added his name.Our nativity set! Gifted to me from my Mom In law.
Hi friends! Happy Saturday! We went to the Seattle Aquarium this week to celebrate the hub’s company Holiday party. They had it in the aquarium this time. I wanted to go mostly for Mia. I knew she would like watching the animals, especially the fish. I’m not sure if she liked the octopus! She did enjoy harassing the fake one:) We had a great time, especially during dinner, when we had a good view of the aquarium and the fish while having yummy food!
We were able to watch the workers feed the otters too, they’re so adorable and cuddly looking! They ate a lot:) We also got to see the Seattle Great Wheel, that ferris wheel is HUGE! So pretty with all of the lights and the water reflection. WOW! We would have loved to walk around the area but it was so cold and we worried about Mia getting too cold. Anyways, are you done with your Christmas shopping friends? I’m almost done with mine. I’m trying to be intentional with my shopping and not go overboard. It helps that I’ve been decluttering and minimizing stuff around the house.
I’m off to watch a Cheesy Hallmark movie and have some hot chocolate with my Boo. Have a great weekend friends! Blessings to you and your family:)
Hi Friends! Happy Thursday, this week has been NON stop for us! My Hubs birthday was this week, we had doctors, dental, and vet appointments (Riley has some skin issues) UGH! It’s been exhausting. So we’re taking it easy tonight (KFC for dinner, PLEASE don’t judge!HA) and hot chocolate and cheesy hallmark movies is what we’re doing for self-care!
Anyways, Hubs wanted sushi for his bday dinner so we went to our neighborhood sushi place.
Happy Birthday Ga!
Randomness this week:
I’m still enjoying our thanksgiving flowers (daisies and dried hydrangeas).
A cute welcome note for BOO!HA
fave toy of the week! Package box:)Grandma got her a mickey night gown! so adorable:)Grandma baked us a carrot cake for our bday! YUM! so moist…the best carrot cake ever!
Hi Friends! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. We have always hosted Thanksgiving since my In laws downsized their house. It’s OK with me because we do potluck style, so all of the responsibilities are shared. We enjoyed our traditional Thanksgiving food (turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans casserole). I’m so thankful for all the blessings the Lord has given me this year. Thank You Jesus. We’ve had a busy Thanksgiving weekend, we went to Seattle and decorated out Christmas tree. I will post more of that this week. Have a good week Friends!
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!MIL and I in the kitchenCharcuterie board! My hubs faveI love you Riley!DIL carving the turkey!
A simple Thanksgiving table, we used our dried hydrangeas from our yard! And bought daisies from the store.
Hello Friends! Happy First Day of Fall! It’s finally fall here in Washington State, raining the whole day and some of the leaves are changing color. I’m looking forward to it actually because I like the coziness of the season. I’m a homebody, fall season is the perfect time to be home! I plan to make lots of soups this season. I made a list of the hallmark movies I’m going to watch, and goodies I want my husband to bake! HA..my hubs is the baker in the family 🙂 He usually will make the recipes I find! Thanks, Ga:)
We’ve been a little busy these past weeks. Riley had a surgery because a mole on his leg was getting bigger. We decided to just remove it. His vet ended up removing 4 moles. He’s recovering really well! Thank You Lord. I hate it when he’s not comfortable.
We attended a family friend’s birthday party. It’s always fun to be with friends! Hubs and I watched my favorite Christian Artists, Lauren Daigle and Zach Williams! Love them! Their music really speaks to me:)
I started car shopping because I want to upgrade my car. We plan to buy probably next year (we will be paying cash,we sort of follow Dave Ramsey’s baby steps! #debtfreeliving).
I started MOPS at my church this week. Looking forward to being with other mommies in our community:)
Happy Birthday David!Homemade Ramen!Dehydrating my tomatoes!
Car shopping!Hubs cooking our Sunday brunch! Mia wanted him to wear his Mickey hat! He can’t say NO to her!Thanks Ga!
sushi date with hubs!Fave fall candle and coffee!Lemon ricotta cake that Hubs baked!YUM!Mums to welcome fall! Excuse the dirt, it was too cold for me to be cleaning outside!HADinner earlier, she had fun eating ketchup!HA
I hope you will have a wonderful Fall season friends! Blessings to you and your family always:)
Hello Friends! Summer is over (sort of) they say after Labor day weekend (unofficially). I’ve been seeing lots of fall decorations all over the place and I already enjoyed a pumpkin spice latte. I’m not a big fan of it…but the hubs loves a white chocolate mocha with a pump of pumpkin spice added! It has been such a joy watching our little Mia-boo grow up. She has taken a liking to water, like most kids. It has been hard to keep her out of her little kiddie pool. Perhaps she’ll even be ready for some swimming lessons next year! I was just commenting to the hubs how early it’s getting dark again….so sad! I hope you all had an amazing summer….here comes the fall…..kids are already back to school (at least where the teachers aren’t striking ;)…before you know it we’ll be welcoming the trick-o-treaters 😉
My fave summer salad: greens,candies pecans,blue cheese,strawberry