End of January!

Hi Friends! It’s been a cold and rainy week here, looks like we could get snow too but not sure if it will be a winter wonderland for us. Can you believe it’s going to be February tomorrow?! It’s been such a long month here with the weather and cold season. I’m thankful that we had minor colds when the kids were sick this month, I know others had it worse. We just try our best to support our immune systems!

We watched President Trump’s Inauguration!

The sweetest boy ever!

Dad in Law got crumbl cookies for the kids!

We were able to do date nights this month! We had Italian and sushi dinners. Hubs is so busy this month so we always look forward to our time together.

Hubs made me a latte and delivered in bed! HA

I hope you are having a good Friday night friends! Take care and stay safe:)

Monster Jam Show Weekend!

Hi Friends! How was your weekend? We surprised the kids yesterday with the Monster Jam show! We got there early because Tacoma Dome is a 1 hour drive from us and we were expecting traffic. We got there 30 minutes before the show and got some hotdogs (expensive and tough!HA) and chips. It was our first time to watch and we had a blast! Matthew is into monster trucks so we thought that he will really love it but Mia enjoyed it more than him! It was a great family time:)

Traffic was so bad going home that Hubs ended up going the Seattle route instead! It was a beautiful day but really cold. Hubs suggested we go eat somewhere in Seattle but the kids were already sleeping and I wasn’t really in the mood to go somewhere after the 3 hours monster jam show. We ended up taking out sushi and ramen.

It’s been a foggy week and freezing temperature most of the week. Not enough to get snow though! It’s all frost today..

Kids had swimming lessons this weekend. After church and swimming, We stopped at our local Korean store and got some kimchi. The kids and I have been watching Korean mukbangs and I swear the kimchi looks so good that made me want to eat it this week.HA

We had crispy garlic shrimp and hand shaved noodles for dinner tonight. Hubs was in the mood for some noodles and didn’t mind driving to Seattle just to get this from his fave Chinese restaurant. Crazy….

While waiting for Hubs, I was watching Trumps victory rally! I’m so excited for his inauguration tomorrow! We will be watching and a good opportunity for the kids to learn about the office of the president/Inauguration.

Have a good rest of your evening friends! Take Care and Stay Safe!

Weekend Fun!

Hi Friends! We had a busy week because Hubs was out of town (he’s back now) and we had a stomach bug (thankfully it was only 2 days)! Thank You, Jesus! Before Hubs had the work trip, we visited one of Seattle’s famous bakeries/cafes because we wanted to try their kouign-amann (it’s a french pastry). Of course we waited in line for 40 mins and they were all sold out!Boooo…We did try their other baked goods and they were all winners!

Random coffee I’m drinking this January! I like it but I’m not sure if I will get this again for this season. I have so much coffee that I need to use. I follow some Trader Joes accounts on Instagram and I got influenced!HA

Prepared roast pork belly earlier this week. This turned out dry for my liking! Hubs and Dad in law liked it, so I didn’t feel that bad!

We had lots of sunny days this week despite it being so cold outside. We did family walks a couple of times just to get out and enjoy the sun.

Hubs took a picture of Detroit sunrise!

My sister after spending many months with us, finally went to her next destination! We had Korean for our last night. We ordered from our local Korean restaurant in the neighborhood.

Lunch before dropping her at the airport! Kids had Jollibee while we had Shake Shack! We are sad to see her leave but we’ll see her on our next trip:) Hopefully in the summer/fall.

Stay safe and healthy friends! Praying for the family and friends in California with what’s going on right now. So heartbreaking!

Happy New Year!

Hi Friends! How’s your first day of the year? We are still taking it easy here at home, not a lot of things going on. We had my In laws for dinner where Hubs prepared Prime Rib and we had sides like lobster, mashed potatoes and roast broccoli. Dessert was Costco chocolate cake. It was such a great dinner to have for the 1st day of the year!HA.

We also had our family walk to get some exercise because we’ve been home bound for the last 3 days (by choice). Hubs wanted to do some errands but I was able to convinced him to just finish our Kdrama show! We are currently watching “Family by Choice” so far we are loving this drama. I did a little laundry and journaling with my new planner (I got the cheap one from Amazon $5).

Mia calls Lobster tails Mermaids. “Mommy can you get me the mermaid?” HA

Reading to Grandma and showing her some of her favorite books.

I’m done buying expensive planners and by June I get bored and reject the planner by July! SO I got this cheap planner at Amazon and hopefully I will use it and get my $5 worth:)

Have a good night friends. Stay safe and healthy! Talk later:)