Hello Friends! How was your weekend? Ours was busy and fun in a good way. The weathers been rainy and windy, so our activities were mostly indoors. Saturday, we watched the movie “Bridges of Spies” starring Tom Hanks and the movie was great. I highly recommend it (I will not be surprised if it will get some Oscars). After the movie we had dinner at the RAM (it’s a sports bar).
Dinner and Movie with my In Laws is always a good time!
Sunday, my In laws gave us tickets to watch a musical show “Snapshots” in our local “broadway” theater. We really enjoyed it and were grateful for the tickets, otherwise we would have missed a great show. We had some Chinese food after the play.
Me and my Hubs dorky hat (while waiting for the play to start)
Of course lots of napping this weekend too!
Have a great rest of your week friends!