Roast Duck!

Hi friends! I wanted to share this very simple roast duck recipe I found. I’ve read a lot of duck recipes but most of them called for a sweet style kind of glaze that I have to constantly brush on the duck. Not a big fan of that myself, because I like mine to be less complicated. I decided to just have it roast at 350F for 3 hours but I have to flip it every hour. It turned out great! We got the duck from Whole Foods market, it was pricey to be honest ($32), but worth it because this would have been triple the price of what we paid if we ordered it from a restaurant.  My hubs made an amazing gravy (it’s red wine gravy), he couldn’t stop talking about it! In fairness, it was delicious:) I love this kind of recipe, so simple (although took 3 hours) but so tender and flavorful. I cannot wait to make this again!

Weekend Fun!

Hi Friends! How’s your weekend going?! We did the usual things here, like errands (grocery shopping at Costco), Church, laundry,and  naps galore! We finally put our Christmas decorations away this week too! Thanks to my Hubs who did most of the work (our Tree is too tall for me,so he mostly took care of things!). I’ve finally caught up with the show that I’ve been watching on Netflix  “When Calls the Heart”. I’m so enjoying it, and looking forward to many more episodes.

Mia had her first playdate this year!
My Rileypuss, the best furbaby ever! He’s the sweetest and most loyal to me!
We also went to Jollibee, a Filipino fast food chain here in WA!
She loves people watching at Costco!
Five Guys after Costco!
Naptime while going to Church!
Dimsum for lunch (after Church)

Have a great week friends! About to have dinner here and watch some Netflix with the family! We are currently watching Planet Earth! God is so amazing watching all this animals He created! What an awesome God:)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Friends! I Hope you had a fun and safe New Years! We had a simple NYE with my In laws. We still have lots of leftovers from Christmas (mostly cheeses) so we had cheese appetizers, I grilled some shrimp, and we ordered BBQ from a local restaurant! It wasn’t very good (the bbq), very disappointing! We watched a movie (on Netflix) and called it a night! We did watch the Times Square celebration though! We were in bed by 10pm though, I was so tired. I normally wait for the Space Needle fireworks display on tv but last night, I could care less!

Family Selfie before we end 2017! Thank You Lord for a wonderful 2017, it went by too fast! I think having a one year old baby did that to me! HA!

First Breakfast of 2018! My hubs baked banana bread (he’s the baker in this family!) and gotta have a big cup of coffee to enjoy the first day of the year!

My In laws spent dinner with us. My DIL prepared Tenderloin steak; it was so good! My Mom In Law helped me prepare Twice baked potatoes. It’s very rare that we do things in the kitchen together !HA! She is more of a baker and I don’t like baking:) We are so different but we do get along very well. Love my Mom In Law Kathy, she is such an inspiration! My Hubby made cheese fondue for us to enjoy while we prepared for our New Years Day dinner! I also made another Roast Pork belly (Lechon belly in the Philippines) I just had an extra pork belly and I just want it out of the freezer!

About to enjoy cheese fondue! I love this apron that my Hubs gifted me a couple of years ago!
In the Kitchen with my MIL! We’re so different but we get a long very well! Love her!
Lechon Belly!
This pic makes me laugh! Love my MIL!

excuse my “all natural” face! HA

Hubs made deviled eggs too!
Beef Tenderloin!

Dinner time!
Mia missed her afternoon nap, she can’t keep her eyes open during dinner time! too cute!

Thank You Family and Friends for taking the time to check here in my little blog! I pray that 2018 will be full of blessings, good health, peace and laughter to you and your family! God bless you and Keep you always!

