
Hello Friends! Long time without hearing from me. I took the time off because last February I started experiencing tinnitus (ringing in the ear), first time to have that happening to me. I have a hard time sleeping and was so anxious that I have to go to the urgent care to have it looked at. February and March was full of doctors and specialists appointments. I still have my tinnitus but I’m dealing with it in a better way now, and I’m getting decent sleep so that helps big time. I’m thankful that I have access to good healthcare and get the help I need. Praise the Lord!

Aside from this, life is pretty normal here, raising kids and taking care of family/home. Mia finally learned to ride a bike (she was just using her balance bike) and she’s very good at it. We upgraded it with a pedal kit. She likes to go FAST!HA.. Growing so fast and such a big girl now. Matthew is starting to practice scooter and getting the hang of it. Hubs and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary! Love you Hubs, you’re the best:)

I hope you are all staying healthy and enjoying your week! Talk later:)

Some pics I took from what we’ve been up to:

Matthews first haircut!
Pretending it’s summer!HA
Ramen date with Hubs!
Crabs benedict for Easter brunch
Easter 2021 spread!
Weekend Breakfast
The best daddy!

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